Hey there, Go-Getter!

You Are Meant to

Constantly Evolve into the

Next Best Version of Yourself

Let's Be Real:

You're Amazing.

You’re skilled. You’re selfless.

You're depended on. By so many.

You juggle a lot, and you likely don’t even give

yourself credit for all that you’ve accomplished.

So hear it from me… you’re doing great. 

But, despite how well you manage it all on the outside,

sometimes you feel like there’s still “more”

calling to you on the inside.

You know that life should be more than the GroundHog-Day-Cycle of work, eat, sleep, “adulting” and the next Netflix binge.

You love the idea of living a life of purpose and meaning, but most days you’re just trying to make it through your to-do list.

You’d love to feel more connected - to others, to God, and even to yourself - but where do you even start?

You’d love to feel happier, healthier, and more fulfilled, but most days you feel short on time, energy, and everything in between!

Guess what?

You're in the right place....

I'm Charity Lighten,

and I want to make

your life better.

Now you might think that sounds

a little presumptuous of me.

And maybe it does.

But there are 2 things I know about you...

Your soul craves progress,

and sometimes there are

things that get in the way of that!

I’m an introverted extrovert (yep, it’s a thing!) that is passionate about sharing tips, tricks, and strategies to help you live a happier, healthier, more balanced life...

one small step at a time!

Here are a few ways I can help:


One-on-One Coaching

Are you tired of feeling like you're holding back and settling for less than what you know you're capable of?

You were never meant to play small – you were made for so much more.

I help women that are ready for change create the thriving life that they want - and deserve!

Whether that means making big changes, challenging your perspectives, or simplifying various aspect of your life.... sometimes growth requires a big leap, and sometimes it looks like taking time to rest & reset.

Seeing my clients gain incredible confidence, harness the power of their mindset, establish powerful habits and achieve new levels of success is what fills me with joy!  I LOVE what I do!


Thrive & Flourish Hub

A group-coaching community unlike anything you have seen before!

This is transformative monthly coaching program that nurtures every aspect of your wellness - body, mind, and spirit.

Here, you will find strategies, support, and encouragement to enhance your health, expand your mind, ignite your spirit, and cultivate positive habits that uplift your overall well-being.

What if you could stop wasting time trying to piece together the overwhelming amount of information you find online, and instead create, live, and enjoy the life of your dreams, with a clear road map making each step easy, supported by a coach and surrounded by a community who'll encourage you and cheer you on?


The Program

You Are Not The Problem. But Your Mindset Might Be.

Change Academy is the most comprehensive self-paced coaching program that is designed to begin with your most powerful asset, or your biggest liability...YOUR MIND!

Your beliefs shape your mindset, your mindset shapes your habits, and your habits shape your entire life!

It’s time to reimagine what’s possible.

It's time to be open to all that is available to you.

It’s time to stop fixing yourself and create yourself instead.

It's time to stop getting in your own way.

It’s time to get your mind working for you (rather than against you)!

If You Want to Change Your Life, Master Your Mindset and Everything Else Will Follow!

Trust me when I say that you DESERVE to have days

where you not only get all of your "work" done

but you also taketime for YOU!

I'm here to teach you how to have

a life that FEELS as good on the inside as it LOOKS on the outside!

Ready to live a happier, healthier, more balanced life?

Book a FREE

call with me!

If you're even the slightest bit curious about what it would be like to work with a coach, feel free to book a FREE 30 Minute Discovery Call

Get my bestselling book!

What others are saying about the book…

"Read it twice!"

"Warm, inviting, and personal"

"Grateful for this book"

"Honestly, more than any book I’ve read in a long time, I felt like Charity was with me, lovingly calling me out for playing it safe and small and not giving everything I have to my life in this moment. The overarching message I got from the book was - stop waiting and live your life RIGHT now! Her perspective, very much colored by her experience with her husband’s cancer diagnoses, is one of great faith, humility, and beauty. I was grateful for her willingness to share what must feel so raw and vulnerable out of a desire to help others to really value their one and only beautiful life. Beautiful book! Highly recommend!"


“I love Charity's story, her charisma & her approach to life. As far as self-development books go, it can be easy to feel a bit defeated reading them as if you need to do a WHOLE lot of work and change a whole LOT of things about yourself. But Charity's easy writing style, practical tools, and relatable anecdotes not only make the thought of being a better you achievable, but it also puts a smile on your face while you're reading it. If anything, this read is worth Charity's incredible story, but honestly, it shows you how you SHOULD be living your life.”

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and other musings (so you don't miss a beat),

along with early access details to upcoming

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25 Proven Tips to Help You Become More Productive

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It’s time to stop holding back and start living the life you keep imagining. I’m here to help you every step of the way!




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©2023Charity Lighten